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5 Dog Boarding Preparation Tips Every Pet Owner Should Know

If you intend to board your furry companion, choosing a situation that will suit you and your pet much better and comfortably is the path you should take. There are more choices you can consider nowadays when you need to leave your pet in the care of others. Besides canine boarding facilities or kennels, there are dog sitters you can hire to take care of your pet in your house or theirs.

Boarding your four-legged pal in a good facility helps ensure they are well cared for while you’re away on an important matter, business trip, or vacation. However, certain things must be done before boarding your beloved pet to ensure they have an enjoyable experience. Now, how do you prepare before boarding them?

How to Prepare Before Boarding Your Dog

While it is always challenging to leave your beloved companion behind when you have to attend to an important matter or vacation, sometimes it is important. So we’ve gathered five preparation guidelines to ease all your concerns while your dog stays in a boarding facility.

1. Maintain their usual diet

While most boarding centers provide food as part of your pet staying over, changing their usual diet might ruin their tummy. In addition to their nerves due to a new and unfamiliar area, surrounded by their fellas and noises, altering their diet might be an identical disaster.

Consider bringing your pet’s typical diet with specific instructions for the staff on how much they should feed your pet and what time of the day. Also, ensure that your furry companion’s teeth are in good condition before bringing them to boarding centers to ensure their best condition and prevent pain. Consider bringing them to a reliable veterinary dentist for teeth cleanings to keep their oral health in shape.

2. Bring your pet’s medical records

Make sure to bring your pet’s copy of medical records as most boarding facilities need certain types of vaccinations. Without your pet’s evidence of vaccination, they will not let them stay. Additionally, Let the personnel know about your pet’s current medical problems so they can provide better care. Lastly, don’t forget the dosing guidelines if your pet is on medications.

This is a good perk when taking your furry companion to a pet medical boarding facility. Boarding centers can also act as emergency veterinarians when something bad happens to your pet, as there are animal experts in the place to care for your pet during emergency situations.

You may click here to learn more about emergency vets.

3. Train them to socialize with other dogs

If your pet isn’t used to socializing with other pets, you need to consider training them on how to interact socially before the boarding date. This will allow them to quickly familiarize themselves with other dogs, helping them to adjust to boarding facilities easily.

4. Book ahead of time

Finding the best location for your dog to stay and helping them adapt to new pals and environment is already tough. However, it’s a lot more irritating to know that your target location has no available spots for the days you will be gone. So consider scheduling a month ahead and prepare to give a deposit to secure the reservation.

5. Ensure their ID tag is updated

While away, you’ll never know if you can answer your phone most of the time. This is why updating your pet’s ID tags with your phone number or necessary contact details is important. You may not think of this, but if you’ve changed your telephone number recently or moved to another home address, you need to apply it to their ID tag.