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Top 8 Procedures in Surgical Care for Horses & Other Pets

When it comes to caring for our pets’ health and well-being, surgical intervention is sometimes necessary. For equine and smaller companion animals, there are a variety of commonly performed surgical procedures to ensure they can live their happiest and healthiest lives. 

In this article, we’ll explore the top 8 procedures in surgical care for horses and other pets.

Dental Surgery

Dental problems can cause discomfort and lead to more serious health concerns for pets. Regular dental check-ups by a qualified horse veterinarian or a vet skilled in pet dentistry can identify issues like tooth decay and gum disease, which may require surgical intervention.

Soft Tissue Surgery

Soft tissue surgery encompasses a wide range of procedures, from removing skin tumors and lumps to repairing hernias, as well as treating issues related to the ear, nose, and throat. In cases where medication and therapeutic treatments aren’t enough, surgery may be necessary to provide relief and prevent future complications.

Orthopedic Surgery

Orthopedic surgery involves the treatment of musculoskeletal issues in animals, whether it’s repairing a broken bone, addressing joint problems, or reconstructing torn ligaments. For competitive horses and active pets, orthopedic surgery can be vital in maintaining mobility and overall quality of life.

Cesarean Section

For pets experiencing difficulty during labor and delivery, a cesarean section may be required to deliver their offspring safely. Veterinary hospitals, such as Maury County Veterinary Hospital, perform these procedures when other methods of assisting a troubled birth have been ineffective.

Abdominal Surgery

Abdominal surgery may be necessary for various reasons, including diagnosing and treating issues related to the gastrointestinal system, liver, spleen, or urinary tract. In some cases, foreign body removal or treatment of abdominal masses may also require surgical intervention.

Eye Surgery

Eye surgeries in pets can range from routine procedures like cherry eye correction to more complex surgeries like cataract removal or glaucoma treatment. These procedures are crucial in preserving your pet’s vision and preventing potential blindness.

Emergency Surgery

In some cases, emergency surgery is necessary to save the life of your pet. Situations that may require emergency intervention include severe injuries, internal bleeding, bloat, or a blocked airway. It is essential to have a qualified and well-equipped veterinary facility available to handle these critical situations.

Reproductive Surgery

Reproductive surgery may be necessary for breeders or owners of animals undergoing fertility issues to diagnose and treat the underlying causes. Common procedures include correcting anatomical abnormalities, treating infections or obstructions, and addressing reproductive organ diseases. For more information on reproductive surgery and how it can help address fertility issues, don’t hesitate to reach out to a trusted veterinary professional.

Final Thoughts

Surgical care plays a vital role in both the health and welfare of horses and other pets. From dental surgery to more complicated procedures like orthopedic surgery, these top eight surgical interventions are designed to optimize your pets’ quality of life. 

By working closely with qualified veterinarians, pet owners can make informed decisions based on the specific needs of their beloved companions. Remember, it is essential to stay informed and consult veterinary specialists for any concerns or to access more information regarding equine, pet surgery, and pet breeding.